
Winterization: Getting Your Property Ready for Winter

With the weather finally turning colder here in East Central Indiana, it's time to make sure properties are ready for winter.

What Business Communication Means at Renaissance Properties

Our clients are busy people and this is why they have hired us to manage their property investment for them. They look to us to help their investment be successful and to provide them appropriately timed - and easy to understand - information.


Earlham College Rentals Under New Management

Recently Renaissance Properties & Earlham College entered into a partnership that will benefit both organizations.

I've written a bit recently about the services that Renaissance Properties offers, or what to look for in a property management firm. Now it's time to turn our attention to a different organization here in Richmond.


8 Things You Probably Didn't About Renaissance Properties Management

As I meet people around town, hand out my business card, or catch up professional acquaintances, I invariably hear some version of the following question:

"Renaissance Properties. What's that? What do they do?"


Walking is Good for You

Walking is Good for You

One of the very best things about working in Old Richmond is that everything is within just a short walk of our office:


6 Things You Didn't Know About Property Managers (#2 Will SHOCK You!)

Many people don't really understand all that a Property Manager does. Folks think it has something to do with renting apartments, fixing plumbing, and collecting rent. Our last blogpost talked about requirements and state standards for Property Managers. Today we’ll look at 6 things that these folks have to be good at.  


Requirements for your Property Manager


How to Choose the Right Property Manager

Investment properties can be a fantastic source of income. They can also be a fantastic source of headaches and worry. We believe that having a good property manager can remove the headaches. We were excited to come across this helpful article over at Bigger Pockets:


New Resource for Clients

One thing we take seriously here at Renaissance Properties is keeping current: with laws & regulations, with developments in the fields of real estate & property management, and in technology. For example, last year we added the web-based property management software Propertyware as a resource for tenants and owners. The ability to track monies, maintenance requests, leases, and bills in one place from anywhere has streamlined our operations and simplified our communication with clients and tenants. 

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