8 Things You Probably Didn't About Renaissance Properties Management

As I meet people around town, hand out my business card, or catch up professional acquaintances, I invariably hear some version of the following question:

"Renaissance Properties. What's that? What do they do?"

Since we do what we do all day long it's easy to forget that other folks may not have a clear idea about our work. That's why I've put together the following helpful list of "8 Things You Probably Didn't Know About Renaissance Properties Management." 

1) Renaissance Properties does more than just rent apartments
This is the assumption that many folks have - that we rent apartments - and while this is true, it's not complete. Yes we have rentals, but the list of services we offer is much broader than just that. Many of the properties we manage are owned by our company, but more of the properties for which we are responsible are owned by others locally and nationally. This means we advertise the property, find tenants, collect rent, coordinate maintenance, and get the property ready to rent again when a tenant moves out.  The fancier way to say the same this is that we are a full service property management firm, providing careful oversight and management of your investment property. 
2) We are licensed to buy and sell property in Indiana
Growing out of #1, another service we offer is buying & selling real estate in Indiana.  We have a broker on staff - Paul Medvin - and we regularly research properties for owners looking to add to their investment portfolio. We'd be happy to help current tenants make the shift from renting to ownership as well. 

3) Tenant Screening & Selection
We set our bar high when it comes to choosing tenants. Our screening procedure takes into account an applicant’s credit, employment, and prior rental histories. The references we check include employers and previous landlords. We've found that taking more care in selecting tenants on the front end creates a lower turnover rate on the backend.
4) 24/7 Maintenance coordination
One of the major benefits of hiring a property manager is that THEY get to take those middle of the night repair calls. We always have a maintenance staff member on-call to triage emergencies and coordinate appropriate responses. 
5) Full construction services available
Let's say your property needs more than minor maintenance, or you are interested in a larger scale renovation. We can help with that too. We retain professional, courteous and experienced building service staff that are ready to help with various remodeling projects. We hire qualified subcontractors to assist us with extensive projects and closely supervise their work.
6) Marketing & Advertising services
We've been at this a long time and have a good sense of our tenant clientele. We use this experience as we advertise your property through traditional, web, and social media channels, providing high visibility for your marketing dollars. Our custom-built website gets thousands of monthly pageviews from potential tenants and owners. 
7) Real-time online financial statements
With our secure, cloud-based property management system, our customers can have all the information they need at their fingertips as we share leases, work order status, rental documents, owner statements and communications through customized customer portals for owners and tenants. We are set up to take electronic payments and transfers and this has streamlined our rent collection and disbursement as well as adding a level of convenience that our tenants and owners both appreciate.
8) Locally owned
Since it began in 1986, Renaissance Properties Management has been locally owned. We continue in our commitment to utilize our local labor and talent pool, investing our time and money into the local economy and making East Central Indiana a better place to live and work.
You can see how describing all 8 points above to answer the original question is a bit time-consuming. However, I don't want sell us short by so brief as to be incorrect. Perhaps a card with the URL to this blogpost on hand to provide as answer to "What does Renaissance Properties do?" I'll have to keep thinking about this.

Photo credit: blmurch / Foter / CC BY
Photo credit: taberandrew / Foter / CC BY
Photo credit: turkeychik / Foter / CC BY