What Business Communication Means at Renaissance Properties

Our clients are busy people and this is why they have hired us to manage their property investment for them. They look to us to help their investment be successful and to provide them appropriately timed - and easy to understand - information. With this in mind we at Renaissance Properties are committed to communicating with our clients in the following ways:

  1. Clear

  2. Valuable

  3. Timely


We’d also like our clients to follow be committed to these same qualities of communication when interacting with us.


Communication that is clear

We want our clients to know that when we reach out to them it’s because we have something important to say. The first way we let them know that is because we work to communicate in ways that are clear. Confusion wastes time and we don’t want our clients to feel like we aren’t using their time and attention well. With this in mind, our clients can trust what when we have something to communicate to them:

  • We will be brief

  • We will be to the point

  • We will clearly outline your options

  • We will make plain what input or decisions we are asking for from you including an ideal timeline for response

From our clients, we’d like to know how we can assist you. Please don’t be afraid to be blunt and direct-we appreciate that! If something happened that you aren’t pleased with let us know and we’ll make it right. If you have a question we’ll do our best to answer it. If you are confused and could use a “refresher” on how the property management thing works we’re happy to walk you through it again. Whatever is on your mind, please let us know because if we are unclear why you are contacting us we can’t get to the point and get your needs met.

Communication that is valuable

There are organizations that send lots of information just so that we don’t forget about them. While this works it also becomes overwhelming.  We take a different tack. We commit to our communications having something valuable to say. This comes in the form of newsletters about changes happening at Renaissance Properties, or in Richmond IN. This comes at year end or tax season. Or this comes when there are decisions that need making regarding your property. Regardless, when a client sees a message from us they can trust that the information in the message is important and won’t waste their time.

This is the place where the burden for making sure that what is communicated is valuable is ours alone. Our clients’ questions, concerns, ideas, and suggestions are very valuable to us and we’ll do everything we can to address them appropriately.

Communication that is timely

We commit to contact clients on sensitive matters as soon as possible. If it’s an emergency or a decision is required we’ll be in touch quickly and will clearly outline the time factor involved. If our clients are clear about when a decision has to be made it will help them understand when & how to respond. The other side of this is that when contacted by a client, we follow-up within 24hrs.

From our clients, we appreciate communication that acknowledges pertinent timeframes. Much of the information we communicate doesn’t have a deadline or decision date attached. However, sometimes it does. For example, in the event of repairs, tax issues, or tenant legal questions getting a timely response from clients is crucial to ongoing processes or to saving money. We do our best to be overt with this type of communication and don’t want, for a client’s sake, to have something held up while awaiting a response.

To conclude, these aren’t radical or new ideas. They are, however, important enough to us that we’ve taken the time to write them down, discuss them amongst ourselves, and with our clients. If we all can agree and commit to participating in communication that is:

  1. Clear

  2. Valuable

  3. Timely

We are convinced that the work of property management will go more smoothly and our clients’ real estate investments will be more successful.